As I said, I was married on January 23rd, 2009. Exactly 8 months before my daughter, Enya, was born. I met Cyrus Jeffery Cummings at a Pagan Festival called Hearland on May 10, 2008. I had gone to the festival early with my suedo-boyfriend (at the time). I went into a campsite looking for my longtime friend, Uno. He and his beautiful wife, Kissi, had gone into town for work. At Uno's campsite, I met one of the other room mates living in their apartment, PacMan. We sat and chatted for a little while until we heard one of the tents a ways back unzip. The conversation then goes as follows:
Unknown- What time is it?
PacMan- About 10:30.
Unknown- The Cyrus is going back to sleep!
Me- *giggle giggle*
Cyrus then decided that since he heard a female voice it was time to wake up. He comes stumbling out of the tent, pretty much naked except for a scrap of sarong he is holding in front of himself. He sits and talks with us for awhile until PacMan has to leave. Cyrus then made breakfast for my 'friend', himself and I. After a bit we leave and see Cyrus off and on throughout the day.
My friend leaves the next day and my brother, Cody, comes out to visit me. There is a party over at Uno's campsite that night that we attend. We all have a good time and Cody and I return to our campsite. After about 30 minutes of sleep I feel my bed shift and I open my eyes to find Cyrus in my tent staring at me. He tells me to come outside with him and go up to Bardic for the last of the fire there. After much debating and trying to go back to sleep, I reluctantly agreed to go with Cyrus. We watched the fire and dancers for a bit then we headed down to the bath house. On the way down what I call the Stairs of Death, Cyrus stopped me and asked to kiss me. It was very sweet. We went back to my tent after so that I could check on my brother and ....
well that's about as far as that part of the story goes. We continued to spend time together throughout the festival. After Heartland was over, we kept up contact for the next few months until he went off to Fort Benning, GA for Basic Training. While he was there, we wrote to each other. Once Basic was over, Cyrus had a few weeks off before he had to report to his duty station. I picked him up from the airport and spent those few weeks with him and I took him down to Killeen, TX (his duty station). We continuted to see each other as often as possible. I would go down and visit him for a week or so at a time.
We decided that we wanted to have a baby together. Cyrus was dead set on a little girl. I became pregnant at the end of December. I went down to see Cyrus on January 22, 2009. That night we went and saw a movie and he told me that the next day I needed to dress up because we were going to have our pictures taken together. The next day, we got all dressed up and on the way to what I thought was the photo place, Cyrus asked me to marry him! He told me that we were on our way to get a copy of my birth certificate so that we could go to the courthouse and have the ceremony done by a justice of the peace. After the hassel of the birth certificate, we were married in Court room 2 by Justice of the Peace Bill Cooke. It was a very exciting day!
I stayed in TX with Cyrus until February 3rd and Cyrus left for Iraq on February 5th, 2009. He was able to come home for the birth of our first child Enya Luna Cummings. He finally returned home for good on January 18th, 2010. We have since moved all of our possessions to our apartment in Killeen, TX.
I love Cyrus more than I can stand sometimes but I know that he does too. He has made me so happy and I know that he will continue to every day for the rest of our lives!
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