Hello. First and foremost, I am by no means the best at blogging. Nor do I blog daily. Most of my blogs are just things that I've noticed, been through, are dealing with, and overall just want to share.
Now that's out of the way....
My name is Kristin Jackson DuganCummings. I am 21 years old and I am pregnant with my second child. My first is a little girl name Enya Luna Cummings and she is the light of my life. Everyday she learns something new and makes me smile more times than I can count. Enya is 6 months old. She was born on September 23rd, 2009 in Ponca City, OK.
I had a confirmed pregnancy test done on March 19th. I'm guessing that I am about a month and a half along with my second child. I cannot decide whether or not I want to have a boy or a girl. Both have their ups and downs. More about that later.
I was married on January 23rd, 2009 to the love of my life Cyrus Jeffrey Cummings. I'll give an explaination later of how we met and all the tid-bits about that. Needless to say, he loves me unconditionally and I love him all the more for it. Cyrus is in the military and is currently ranked SPECIALIST. Not that high up but it's better than being a private.....(hehehe Private Cummings) :)
Some days seem do drone on and other fly by. Since I stay at home all day with my little girl I don't really lead an active life. I try to go to the gym when possible and occasionally I hang out at parties with my husband playing DD for him and his friends. I cook, I clean, I do everything and sometimes I feel unappreciated as most people do but I know that everything I do is appreciated. Things are about to get very chaotic around my household due to the pregnancy and the upcoming move to CO. I was thrown into this life very quickly and sometimes I feel like I the rabbit hole will never end. I'm used to being thrown into situations but marriage and children were not things I ever expected to take on so quickly. I love everyday I get to spend with my family. I cherish every second.
Enough of my ramblings for now. Until next time: Love, Kisses, and Blessings.
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